Who is the Gastronome?

Our Manifesto

A Gastronome is a new kind of food professional who understands the entire food-production chain, from the agricultural starting point through its industrial transformation and distribution, paying particular attention to environmental, cultural, and culinary issues.

A Gastronome understands how to connect food processes to economic and communication systems, the complex relationships within gastronomic ecosystems, the nuances of marketing of every day and high-quality products, and how to develop new foods that promote the richness of regional and international food traditions across global cultures and borders with an outlook on the future.

A Gastronome believes that food is built by, on, and for people.

People, not Ingredients!

Un Gastronomo è un nuovo tipo di professionista del cibo che studia l'intera catena di produzione del cibo, dall’agricoltura fino alla sua trasformazione industriale e alla distribuzione, prestando particolare attenzione alle importanti sfide ambientali, culturali e culinarie.

Un Gastronomo comprende come collegare i processi di produzione alimentare ai sistemi economici e di comunicazione, le complesse relazioni all'interno degli ecosistemi gastronomici, le sfumature del marketing di prodotti di uso quotidiano e di alta qualità e come sviluppare nuovi alimenti che promuovano la ricchezza delle tradizioni alimentari regionali e internazionali attraverso le culture e i confini globali con uno sguardo rivolto al futuro.

Un gastronomo crede che il cibo sia costruito sulle persone.

Persone, non Ingredienti!

The Evolution of Tucci Atelier Gastronomico

Founded with a passion for gastronomy, TAG is committed to exploring and promoting the full spectrum of the food-production chain.

  • Our team is composed of gastronomes and people who are passionate about making a difference. If you're interested in career opportunities at Atelier, please get in touch with


  • A consultant, educator and entrepreneur in the Food & Beverage industry, after combining an economics degree from Bocconi University with a Master of Gastronomy degree from the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Paolo founded Tucci Atelier Gastronomico, the first consulting firm in Italy created by gastronomes from the University of Gastronomic Sciences.

Our Ethos

  • We can transfer to our customer our  knowledge of several food cultures, with deep insight into current innovations, points of view, and techniques  to facilitate their sales, marketing, and development process

  • A Gastronome applies a multidisciplinary approach, assuming that marketing, sales, history, economics, agriculture, and technology are all equally important in understanding, designing, and implementing lasting F&B solutions. 

  • Each project, recipe, and goal is unique because we use a BESPOKE approach from our Italian craftiness and ingenuity.

  • Food organizations and businesses are made of people. We act on people first, not on ingredients and tools to maximize results.

  • We approach each project with deep involvement and passion stemming from our love for gastronomy. 

  • We work with the best experts in the gastronomy sector to guarantee up-to-date information and first-hand knowledge of processes and trends.

  • We empower our partners with bespoke growth strategies that amplify their capabilities and enhance their market presence, fostering long-term success in the F&B world.

Operations and Philosophy

  • People-First Solutions

    Our approach is rooted in the understanding that food is built by, on, and for people. We prioritize solutions that reach our client goals while enhancing human well-being and fostering a collaborative spirit, ensuring that every decision we make benefits all stakeholders involved in the gastronomic journey.

  • Tailor-Made Services

    We believe in using a bespoke approach, crafting services that are as unique as the clients we serve. Whether it’s customized consulting, hands-on training programs, or strategic development workshops, our solutions are designed to align perfectly with one's vision and challenges. At TAG, we ensure that our solutions are as distinctive as the clients we serve, helping businesses to achieve aspirations with precision and creativity. That’s why we partner and collaborate with industry leaders to promote up-to-date, future-driven, innovative food practices to train, educate, develop, and build on people of the food world. 

  • Deep Market Expertise

    With a local presence and a global mentality, our team brings deep market expertise and insights across the entire food production chain. We stay ahead of industry trends and sustainable practices, offering strategic guidance that is both innovative and grounded in proven success. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that we deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to specific needs, driving growth and excellence in every aspect of business.